Beautiful smile lady came in here♪

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Dear our guest.

Thank you for your visiting our Kyoto Inn Higashiyama.
We are sure to know that you had fun here. Because you had beautiful smile always.:)

We look forward to meet you and your family and your friend again here.;)

”We love smile”

staff of this facility.

~~~~~~ ☆ ~~~~~~~ ☆ ~~~~~~~
ゲストハウス東山 / Guest House Higasiyama
京都 Inn 東山 / Kyoto Inn Higahiyama
Tel    :  075-551-3098  
address :  京都市東山区今熊野南日吉町30-22

Access: 京阪七条駅より徒歩12分/市バス今熊野より徒歩5

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